
Dandruff is a condition that is very common among both males and females, but it is mostly commonly seen among the women folk. Dandruffs is a skin condition that usually affects the scalp (the upper layer of the head on which hair grows). Dandruffs are also known as seborrheic dermatitis is mostly a very chronic and severe condition. It is usually associated with flakes of scalp falling off through the hair. The flakes of scalp contain dead cells gotten from the hair.

It is a very normal occurrence to shed or remove dead cells from the scalp, but it becomes very abnormal when the cells die at a faster rate and are shed off quickly such that it becomes very visible as it starts falling through the hair and on shirts or tops.

The real cause(s) of dandruffs isn’t known but it has been seen that a number of factors contribute to the production of dandruffs. Though researchers have found out that a fungus named Malassezia which is has the appearance of yeast mostly lives on the scalp. Most times, it causes disruptions in the scalp environment.

You may be wondering and asking if dandruffs are contagious but no they aren’t contagious or infectious. But when yeasts and fungus begin to multiply on the scalp, dandruff will get worse. There are some basic facts that we need to know about dandruff that will help our understanding of them. They include:

  1. Dandruffs have no known cause. But the presence of yeasts and fungus have been known to contribute to the number of factors that causes it.
  2. Any area of the body that has the ability to grow hair can experience dandruffs. So, don’t limit the presence of dandruffs to only the scalp.
  3. In respect to this, dandruffs can affect the eyebrows, ears and beards. But hardly will it affect the chest.
  4. Dandruffs isn’t caused by the lack of hygiene or due to dirty hair. This are factors that will enhance the production of scalp flakes(dandruff) but it doesn’t cause it.
  5. Dandruff is often associated with severe itching.
  6. It is a very common but very itchy and embarrassing hair ailment
  7. Dandruff has no respect for age. It has been seen to affect even babies and also the elderly.
  8. Dandruffs is not caused by you having a dry scalp as some people are lead to believe. In fact, it is caused most times due to the excess oil and greasiness on your scalp. And this occurs when the sebaceous glands on the skin begins to produce oil in excess due to the use of wrong shampoos and using the wrong hair products that doesn’t work well with your skin and scalp.


Hence this will cause a buildup of oil and as well give yeast a favorable environment for reproduction which will then lead to skin death on the scalp and as a result, dandruffs. Dandruffs can be very itchy but guess what, itching it can make it extremely worse. True, you may find temporary relief in itching it, but it worsens it underneath and makes the dandruffs increase.

Instead of itching, try using an anti-dandruff shampoo to help soothe your scalp. And you can as well try aeration of your scalp. So next time, you feel the urge to scratch when having dandruffs, resist the urge… will you?

Did you know that dandruffs are seasonal too? This means that there are specific seasons in which dandruffs are prevalent and some seasons that it may just feel like it never occurs. It is most especially prevalent during winter and not so existent during the summer.

Although, there are other factors that cause the rate of dandruffs to increase in summer, but yet again, it is most especially prevalent during winter and the rainy season.

  1. Dandruffs may cause excessive hair breakage depending on how severe it is, and it may as well lead to your hair falling off your head leading to lots of hair loss. Here is how it works: dandruffs cause severe itching and hence due to the itching, it might cause your hair roots to weaken and then begin to break off. So really, try not to itch.
  2. Age is considered a risk factor for getting dandruffs. People who are within their young adulthood stage even up to their middle ages tend to get dandruffs a lot as far as researchers have seen. This doesn’t mean that people in their old ages don’t get it, it’s just a little bit scarce within the older generation. Some may even have the problem all through their lives.
  3. Some people with some certain kind of ailments have been seen to have this ailment as well. Most people with neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease mostly develop dandruffs as one of their symptoms. Though the reason why this happens isn’t clear, but some researchers think that it is because of their compromised immune system.
  4. Some people have been very worried about dandruffs are contagious. Well, dandruffs aren’t contagious so there is absolutely no reason to be scared. However though, sharing of combs and any other hair products that usually have to come in contact with the roots of the hair can carry the fungus from one infected person to another.

Hence, it is advisable not to share hair products and objects such ad towels, combs etc. with an infected person as this may carry fungus which can likely cause you to have dandruffs.

Guess what, there is good news. You can effectively manage dandruffs. Though you may not be able to effectively “chase” the dandruffs away, you can as well get them under control effectively by using hair products and hair shampoos that can effectively keep them at bay and manage them.

Though there is a tendency for them to appear once in a while, you may consider this to be normal and you can as well push them back again. Depending on the causative agent of the dandruffs, you may have to change your shampoo, your hair treatments as well as you treat your hair.

Being a very active person will help you keep the dandruffs at bay. Surprising how your lifestyle can affect your hair isn’t it? But this is true. Being very active will help improve the blood circulation in your body and as well increase the blood supply to your hair and scalp.

Increased blood flow to the hair and scalp will lead to an increase in their nourishment and as well lead to a healthier scalp and healthier hair thus no existence of dandruffs.