All it takes to be bedbound is flu. No one chooses it but when winter begin to emerge from our calendar along with heavy and cold rainfall, we all seem to become helpless victims in influenza symptoms that are simply life tormenting.

Fact aside, an average of 3550 Canadians die annually from it, while over 12000 influenza patients find their bed in hospitals. Also in North America, an average of 25% is affected, while it may increase to a maximum of 52% in a severe cold winter, this is why death rate rises with an additional 8% during winter.

Countries experiencing heavy or torrential rainfall in Africa also suffer greatly, having their share of this life haunting sickness. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find any true cure for influenza, nevertheless experts have discovered the main causes and prevention for the flu. Find out below.

What is influenza? Let’s explore

Among a list of respiratory problems, the flu is most scary. It affects respiration by harming the nose, mouth, and lungs. Due to an exposure to influenza virus, male and female, both young and old will experience symptoms like catarrh, cough, cold, headache, sore throat, and other signs of the flu.

This infection opens our body system to other sicknesses if we don’t find out how to prevent the flu safely. What then are things that can cause flu?

Causes of the flu

The flu is a contagious infection caused by influenza virus. This sticky virus has a long life span that it can live for 24 hours outside living cells. A large number of people contact it through contact with victims, while others get it from some poultry animals. Inhaling air contaminated by sneezing from a victim will give you the flu.

Touching of objects, like door knob, keys or window, already contaminated with this virus can easily get you flu as our hands have close relationship with our mouth, skin, eyes, and nose. Influenza comes in type A, B, and C. Type C is one mainly found in ducks, goose, chickens, fowls and other birds, and can be gotten by eating the infected birds.

Whereas the type B arise due to body reaction to change in weather conditions like cold and dusty wind, which result to uncontrollable sneezing and coughing. What are then the best flu remedies backed with scientific studies?

5 Natural remedies for cold and flu

Do you know there are flu remedies that do and don’t work? This is why you may have tried some and get poor result from them which can lead to further frustration. It is a tiring infection, we know, this is why most people will go for anything they hear to be treatment for cold and flu.

Some people at the end of trying different solutions end up making matter worse as some get themselves caught up in other infections. That is why you need get rid of cold and flu fast with these natural flue remedies. See below.

Rest and Stay Warm: fatigue and stress work together in getting flu worse. If you spend more time working than resting, experts have just confirmed your liability of getting yourself into the most difficult stage of influenza, therefore regular resting should be put in place.

Stop getting yourself worn out all the time and have at least 2 hours day rest and a regular minimum of 8 hours night rest. It is also essential to provide warmness to yourself especially when it’s extremely cold inside and out.

The right diet: get in control of your health by eating good food. Food contain a varieties of nutrients and chemicals that carry out different functions together for a healthy and better living. Some food that works against flu are;

Mustard: mustard helps to clear mucus with its natural ingredients, and thereby preventing and getting rid of runny nose.

Pepper: adding bell pepper, alligator pepper, or any other spicing ingredients to your food provides your body system with vitamin C which is a good ingredient that helps get rid of flu.

Green Tea and Black Tea: a regular intake of warm or hot green or black tea will help get rid of flu fast, as well as prevent it. Green tea contain catechin that has antidiarrheal prowess for fast relief.

Onions: almost every meal come with onion that is why onion is tagged most important food ingredient. Apart from adding good taste to food, onion act as a antioxidant to food by killing food germs. A regularly eating of onion will provide antibacterial to your lungs to fight against microbes of the lungs.

Rice and banana: get a space on your food time table for rice and banana today. This combination helps to curb diarrhea and stop upset stomach.

Warm bath: keeping out cold may be all you need to get rid of that frustrating sneezing and coughing. Doctors mostly prescribe regular bath with warm water to patients with diarrhea, and other lung infections. So getting in a warm tub morning and before going to bed will help prevent put coldness away.

Clothing: do what is right when it’s right. Alright, you have just got those glowing skin back and you decide to show them off by putting on soft shirts in winter. Beware, your chest can’t take old that frozen breeze blowing on it.

Investing a little amount on sweaters, head warmer, socks, gloves and other warm builder can help keep the warmness needed against sore throat.

Gargling with salty water: salt add good taste to food as well as keep food safe from germs. Salt is used in food preservation like fish salting because of its antibacterial content.

Adding a considerable amount of salt to a warm glass of water, and gargling with it for 15 minutes after and before brushing will help deal with lungs infection. So put it into your daily routine. To heal influenza fast, this process can be done before and after every meal.